Thursday, July 8, 2010

Final Thoughts

Hey all, Micah here one more time.

I had a fairly lenghty entry planned, but Breanna summed up many of my thoughts in many less words, so I'll improv and keep it short.

The trip to Africa was one that changed every person in the group. We laughed, cried, worked, played, taught, and, most importantly, learned. All in all, we were able to build walls, tear down others, teach everything from science to computers to songs, paint signs and murals, construct desks, build a wheelchair, share experiences, and take in a beautiful country and its people, both in the city and in the wilderness. For all of this, we are forever grateful for your contributions, thoughts, and prayers. What a trip. I hope that everyone can join us at Glady Branch Baptist on July 18th for a full in-person recap from the team and share in the experience first hand.

Most of the younger folks have posted pictures of the trip- I'll try to get them on here as they come. Click on the links below for my own pictures.

Again, thanks to all for the support. I definitely hope to return to MCC, and am so blessed to have had this opportunity.

This wall was my personal project throughout our week at Mercy Care. We put a new base layer on the wall - the bright green. I then came up with a new design to go over the real-life heart on the right side. I decided to stick with the heart theme but draw the cute heart overlapped with a cross. I wanted to keep Africa on the left side of the wall because it shows the students geography and I think Africa is a beautiful country. We also repainted the sign to go over their main building because the previous one was beginning to crack the paint was chipping. I loved having this project and it gave me time to get to know some the students that helped and play with the street children that were always around that area. I also ended up helping the Thompsons some while my paint was drying, which created new friendships. I'm so thankful for everything that took place while we were over there and I'm proud to be able to say that I helped make an impact at Mercy Care Centre during our trip.

An Amazing Experience

It has always been my dream to go to Africa so when I found out Glady Branch was going I was ecstatic. The trip was amazing, something I, or anyone in our group, will never forget. Working at the Mercy Care Centre showed my heart even more how much I want to live in Africa someday - and now I know exactly where in Africa I can live and what I can do. I wanted to share a couple of my pictures that I took during this amazing 3 week trip. Some are funny - like Micah kissing the giraffe, some are breathtaking - like the view picture of the slums, and some are just informative - the elephants were adorable, as were the other animals we encountered. The little girl I'm holding is Wendy, she was the sweetest little street child and came to sit with us every day we were working. It was heartbreaking to leave her. The animals and scenery were breathtaking. I want to sincerely thank everyone for the contributions and prayer that went into making this trip possible. Mercy Care Centre and the students touched all our hearts and I know they will never be forgotten and most, if not all, from our group would love to go back and grow the relationships we began.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The NC Team is back home and our lives are touched forever

Dear Friends: We wanted to thank you for all of your prayers. They have been felt all during our time before leaving for the Mercy Care Centre, while traveling there, while there and also on the way home. Our hearts were touched by the children of the Mercy Care Centre as well as the children on the streets in the valley. We believe that God used our team in a wonderful way while we were there and we were touched by the opportunity to go and serve. Thank you to the Browns who always make the trip possible and for all of their good work.

We are grateful for the friendships we have made over the years as we focus on one thing we all hold close to our hearts - the Children of Mathare Valley and their Hope through the Mercy Care Centre.

Love to all,
Beth C. Greene for the NC Team

More pics to be posted soon. :0)

Little Alfred

Interviewed several people today and here is one I thought you might appreciate.

My name is Alfred. I am 7 years old and I am in Mama Rose’s class-Standard 3. I am one of 5 children in my family. We are very poor. My father died and my mom goes every morning to the corner to get work washing clothes. Many mornings she does not get hired. I started MCC when I was two. The teachers noticed early that I had trouble walking and I fell often. Last year I became so weak that I could not walk. Mama Rose has been carrying me around the school. She is very tiny. Last week, doctors from America saw me. They say I have a disease called Muscular Dystrophy and that it is progressive. They were so kind and the visiting carpenters designed and made a beautiful wheelchair just for me. I have not been to field day for 2 years but tomorrow Mama Carroll is taking me in my new chair. She will push my chair in the races. I hope I win! God is good and he is blessing me through the visitors here!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Winding Down

Today we spent trying to distribute the rest of the shoes and things left. I cut the mosquito net for the children to take to Kisumu for nationals at the end of July. Wayne, Phil, and Ken met with Patrick about forming a NGO and several other pressing matters. Tomorrow they will meet with the chief and elders about getting our buildings and continuing the preschool building. There is an unbelievable amount of things to do. Hope all of you are enjoying the summer. Love, Carroll

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Today is Sunday and many people are coming and going. The EC Glass group left for Amboseli and the Brevard group and Ian, the Australian pastor, left today for home. Wayne and I will work with the Australians this week to set up the organizational structure of the school better. Aaron will take movies and teach. He is a hit with the teachers! We have been to Esther’s family and the last posting showed her family. Wayne finally today got our internet card working so we should stay in touch this week! Thanks for your prayers and love! Carroll


Teacher's Dinner

Last night we had our teachers’ dinner and we had 74 people present. All the Brevard group and the EC Glass group really meshed and we shared so much together. The Americans presented the teachers with a present and the Aussie’s gave each teacher $20. Six of the Brevard group go back today and 11 go to Mombasa by train. The Glass group has 2 doctors-Dr. Meadows and Dr. Brennan- and they are doing an excellent job with the kids and teachers. We are all so blessed to be in this place at this time. Internet is awful! Cards are not working and it is so much traffic to go to town and not enough time. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! Love, Carroll