Sunday, May 23, 2010


My name is Carroll and I am so excited to being going back to Africa. My husband and I go most summers and look forward to seeing the joy in the faces of all the children because we have come to help them. We have 44 people going this year with many talents and gifts. We hope to build a preschool building, inoculate all the children with necessary immunizations, share teaching and craft skills and many other activities to encourage the teachers and children. Be in prayer for our safety, for the arrival of all the gifts duty free, and for our daily sharing with the children. We will try to keep you aware daily of our ministry. Wish all of you could be here to experience this time with the teachers and precious children of MCC.


  1. Hello my name is Beth and I too am so excited about returning to the Mercy Care Centre this summer with the Browns. We are excited to work hand in hand Bega Kwa Bega with Patrick and all the teachers of the MCC. We are excited about the 15 people who will be traveling with the Greene Team from Glady Branch Church in Brevard, NC, the church where my husband, Lee Ray pastors. We lived in Tanzania, East Africa when the Browns lived there and it is always so exciting to return to the land that we love so much. Our daughter, Lydia will also be going with us and we are so excited to bring all the wonderful gifts and talents of our 15 members to bless the children and the school. We know, in the end, we are really the ones who will be blessed as "Love, Hope and Charity" is best when shared. Thanks to everyone who will be praying for our trip, for safety and the ability to do all that God desires for us to do while in Kenya. God's blessings to all <>< Beth Greene, Greene Team 2010

  2. We are only 14 days away from our departure to Kenya. Everyone is getting excited and so far we have 12 bags packed for the MCC (with three more to go). We will be taking dresses for the MCC Teachers - thanks for all the donations from my friends at Progress Energy, Raleigh, NC. We will also be taking over 750 toothbrushes - Thank you to Beth's dentist, Dr. Eve Brown for the donation, We will be taking approximately 1,700 pairs of underwear - as mentioned earlier, thank you Stephanie and Charlie Curtis members of Temple Baptist Church, New Bern and the membership for 1,609 pair. We also have packed over 450 pair of flip flops - thank you Glady Branch Members for your donations and Dr. Quincy Scott, Chaplan of Shaw University and staff members for your help with the flip flops. We have so many great craft ideas planned, and I am grateful to my Fuquay/Floridian neighbors, Joe and Marilyn for your donation to help with the crafts for the children. Also, thank you to my FV neighbors, the Ducketts and the Moores who made donations to the yard sale which also helped with school supplies for the children.

    Thanks to Casey Olson's mom who has donated over 1,000 prescription bags for our clinic and a suitcase full of craft items as well. We are in the process of averaging out our suitcases (weight) as we plan to take a sander to help with the desk and sandpaper as well as other items needed by the school.

    Thank you to Linda Williams of VA, who painted the beautiful oil painting of the White Squirrel of Brevard and to the Browns who made up the beautiful cards which are now in the stores in Brevard waiting to be purchased for the MCCF and to the Browns for their donations to our Silent Auction at Glady Branch to help raise funds for the volunteers.

    Thanks to everyone at the church who made donations to the Silent Auction for our Team. You are a great help :0)

    Our volunteers are so excited and this Sunday we will have a Commissioning Service at our church for the Team. Pastor Allan Thompson will be assisting with the Commissioning Service. Afterwards, we will meet at the Greenes' home for a nice luncheon and finalize our plans for the trip.

    Love and prayers to each person who has supported and prayed and who will continue to pray for the Team and all that God desires to do in and through each of us. As we "go", you will be "going with us".

    See you soon, Patrick, staff and children :0)

    Love to all,
    Beth Greene <><

  3. HI, Wayne and Carroll,

    You have been on my mind for the last 24 hours, as I think you have been "in the air" on the long flight to Nairobi. I hope that all is going smoothly with this first stage of your extended trip. You abide in my thoughts each morning, and our church family will also remember you again in our prayers on Sunday.

  4. I'm glad to hear that the first team made it there safely. I look forward to a smooth trip tomorrow to MCC.
