Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Yes, we're still hanging around.

Hey all, Micah here.

Sorry for the lack of updates since Thursday- internet has been sketchy at best. Since we last spoke, our team has finished the carpentry projects within the MCC grounds, added skylights to the primary school, built a wheelchair for a disabled local child, taught even more computer skills, helped build hundreds of crafts, played soccer and basketball at the students' field day, and have gone on safari at Amboseli national park. All in all, a busy few days.

Our trip to Amboseli was pretty incredible- we stayed two nights at a lodge located at the foot of Mt. Kiliminjaro, which is simply breathtaking in person. We took three trips out into the park and were lucky enough to see zebras, giraffes, elephants, hippos, hyenas, gazelle, water buffalo, wildebeast, lions (albiet from a distance), and more. After a week of working in the slums, it was refreshing to have a break in some of the most beautiful land we had ever experienced.

Today (Tuesday) we're wrapping up a few loose threads at MCC, saying our goodbyes to the students and locals, and heading out of Nairobi. About half of our team is headed back to the good old USA, and the other half is headed to Mombasa for a few days' break before going home.

I'll compose a summary post while on the plane, but until then, thanks again to all for the prayers, thoughts, and interest while we've been here. The experience has been nothing short of amazing. Take care, and God bless.

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